Monday 30 January 2017

Research on the theme

Presented below is a selection of pictures that represent childhood memories which is the theme and base for our music video. This only includes a few childhood memories but more will be shown and visible in the production of the video.

Now storyboarding is complete

Now that storyboarding is complete, we can start to think about when we need to start shooting for the video. We will have to create a shooting schedule so we know exactly when we are filming and so there are no excuses my group members that they forgot when we were filming etc.

Additionally, we will need to fill out a risk assessment that will outline any potential risks and how we will control them so that nobody is harmed in the process of making our music video.

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Thursday 5 January 2017


We are about to start storyboard for our music video and we will be giving you regular updates on the process and how we are going on in this stage. Storyboarding is very important when it comes to making a piece of media as it directs and guides you to what you want to achieve. That being said, it does not mean that you have to follow the storyboard frame for frame, if you have an inspiration and idea when filming then you can still put it in. A storyboard is flexible but needs to be done so you have a clear focus of what you want to achieve.